
How to Use Your Podia Tabletop Display to Sell, Sell, Sell

When it comes to bars and restaurants, there’s only one thing that matters just as much as floor space: table space. The more table space you have, the more customers you can seat and the better their experience is. However, table space is also the best place to entice customers with specials, drinks, and other […]

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Podia Display’s Custom Insert Design Service

For years, podia tabletop displays have been providing restaurants and other businesses with clear, informative retail signage. Thanks to the innovation of the podia design, our tabletop models are widely regarded as one of the best displays for grabbing customer attention and converting curiosity to a sale. Even so, we understand that our displays aren’t […]

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Optimize Your Winter Menu with Podia Displays

With the winter coming up, it’s time to optimize your menu for the holiday season. Holidays are the perfect time to offer customers drinks specials such as themed Halloween mixes, eggnog cocktails, and all sorts of other wonderful creations. The only problem is this: with so many options coming in and out of season so […]

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Diversify Your Retail Signage with Podia Displays

When it comes to getting customers and potential customers to interact with your business, it’s often best to give them as many avenues to engage with your services as possible. Just by giving people the option to request your goods or services, they’re more likely to follow up on a purchase. Thus, by increasing points […]

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Reuse, Adapt, and Profit from Podia Displays

Here at Podia Displays, we understand that marketing, branding, menus, and pretty much anything customer-facing about your business can be subject to change on the regular. With this fact of life in mind, we created the Podia Tabletop Display—cost-effective, efficient retail signage that adapts alongside your business’ changing needs and demands. In today’s blog post, […]

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The Many Ways to Use Podia Displays

Podia is designed for simplicity, aesthetic attraction, and easy use. Even so, never let it be said that Podia displays are limited in their uses; in truth, Podia displays are made with versatility in mind. However, we recognize that the many ways we see Podia displays used might not be as clear to someone who […]

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Use Podia Tabletop Displays Throughout Your Business

Podia Tabletop displays are a great investment for hotels, restaurants, bars, or other businesses. With their versatility, they can convey information for a wide variety of applications in a sleek design that is accessible without being cumbersome. The displays can be used to promote restaurant specials, special spa packages, retail sales, special events, new products, […]

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Horizontal Signage can Boost Holiday Sales

All companies around the holiday season like to try to compete with each other for sales, and, with horizontal signage from Podia, your advertising will be hard to miss. Serving as a guide to all your holiday shoppers this Black Friday and beyond, Podia can be the perfect solution to getting new and returning buyers […]

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Horizontal Podia Displays are Your Ticket to Successful Marketing

When you are in the business of retail, there is one thing that can drastically improve your sales, and that’s retail signage. When customers walk the aisles of your store, you want them to be able to find all your sales, products, and promotions as easily as possible, and retail signage using Podia displays is […]

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